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Nana Ama Mcbrown Husband Reveals Why He Chose To Marry Her Over The Other Celebrities He Dated. Most people have been wondering why Maxwell Mensah chose Nana Ama Mcbrown as his life partner after dating musicians like mzbel and other media personalities in Ghana.

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Well, The father of Maxim Mr. Maxwell Mensah has disclosed that in his recent Instagram page, From the post that it shows that he has dated a lot of women but none of them touched his heart meaning the vibes are always wrong with the other girls he dated.

This shows that Mr. Mensah’s heart was really touched when he met his lovely wife nana ama mcbrown and it obvious the vibes between them are always right.

Sharing this on social media, Mcbrown’s husband and Maxim’s dad Mr. Mensah posted a picture of himself and Nana Ama in a lovely pose wrote;

“You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet one person and your life is changed forever”.

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