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Tinny Drops A Diss Song For Stonebwoy

Drops Stonebwoy Diss Song?With a diss song, Tinny appears to be putting an end to his argument with Burniton President Stonebwoy.

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In an interview with Andy Dosty yesterday, Hip-life legend Tinny spoke on Hitz Fm to defend his decision to refer to Stonebwoy, Mercury Quaye, and Day Don as f00ls.
Because he believes Stonebwoy shouldn’t be required to pay the debt he is unaware of, Tinny declined to accept responsibility.
Yesterday, in response to Stone’s accusation that Tinny did nothing to assist him, Tinny further referred to Stonebwoy as being ungrateful.
Tinny has unveiled the artwork for a song that will criticize Stonebwoy.
This song’s title, “2000,” refers to the alleged sum of money Stonebwoy gave Yaw Menka.
Tinny Drops A Diss Song For Stonebwoy
Once the song is released, we’ll keep you informed.


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