Happy Man Bitters CEO, Has Stopped Sponsoring The Upper East Music Awards.

According to information found on the CEO’s official Facebook page, Emmanuel Bortey Borketey, has temporarily closed his door until further notice in regards to granting sponsorship or collaboration for the Upper East Music Awards. He did say, though, that he is willing to support any endeavor that aims to improve society.

The CEO of Charger Limited, creators of Happy Man Beverages, made an unplanned decision after hearing the Reigning Artiste of the aforementioned awards program speak.

This is what he posted ; “Hello Good souls, My brand and I pledged GHc 20,000 for whoever emerges Winner of Happy Man Bitters Upper East Music Awards 2021, AOTY and God who has always been our source from the beginnings provided us with the funds to enable us fulfils the pledge. Once again I wish the AOTY the best of luck and appreciate the short but fruitful time we spent together in my office last month. Going forward i advice my good friend Kabu Banks and his One Love Entertainment team to reconsider their decisions on hosting the annual award scheme because my brand and I seek peace and we try not to engage in any project with much controversies. On this note our doors are closed temporarily till further notice concerning giving sponsorship or partnerships for UEMA. Doors are still open to any project that evolves around societal progress.”

Happy Man Bitters CEO, Removes Sponsorship From The Upper East Music Awards

It can be recalled that, In a recent interview, Clement Ayamga, better known as Nambawan, who won artiste of the year at the latest edition of the Upper East Music Awards, expressed his disappointment with the way he was handled when he flew to the capital to claim his promised reward of Ghc 20,000. Sarknation.com therefore suspect that, this could be the main factor behind the withdrawal of the sponsorship.



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