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Home News A Young Man Killed By Lion At Accra Zoo

A Young Man Killed By Lion At Accra Zoo

A Young Man Killed By Lion At Accra Zoo

A person who purportedly bounced into the lion nook at the Accra Zoo on Sunday evening and was gone after by a lion has been recognized as perished, as indicated by the Forestry Commission.

He endured wounds, and the body was taken to the morgue after his passing.

The introfucer’s inspiration is yet obscure.

The security tracked down his inert body around early afternoon.

As per an assertion made by the Chief Executive of the Forestry Commission, John Allotey, under whose power the Accra Zoo falls, authorities of the Zoo on a standard watch saw a moderately aged man (an interloper) had hopped the security fences and entered the Zoo’s lions nook around 12 p.m. on Sunday (August 28, 2022).

Inside the internal fencing of the enclosure, one of the lions went after and hurt the intruder. The administration were credited with effectively baiting the lions into a protected nook and welcoming the Achimota Police to move the body and start a request.

“We need to reaffirm that the lion, the lioness, and the two little guys in the Accra Zoo are still securely encased there.”

No lion has gotten away from the Accra Zoo, the Forestry Commission needs to console individuals.

To ensure that all offices were secure, the Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Benitor Owusu Bio, and the Chief Executive of the Forestry commission, John Allotey, visited the Zoo on Sunday

A Young Man Killed By Lion At Accra Zoo



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