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Ahmed Ara Ambitious Voices Concerns Over Upper East Music Awards: “What Happened to the Promise of a Video and Collaboration with Mr. Drew for ROCKCITY-BONGO?”

Ahmed Ara Ambitious Voices Concerns Over Upper East Music Awards: “What Happened to the Promise of a Video and Collaboration with Mr. Drew for ROCKCITY-BONGO?”

Ahmed Ara Ambitious, a well-known figure in the fashion industry and the Creative Director at Ara Klothen, has voiced his concerns on Facebook regarding the Happy Man Upper East Music Awards, particularly their unfulfilled promises to awardees.

Ahmed Ara Ambitious Voices Concerns Over Upper East Music Awards: "What Happened to the Promise of a Video and Collaboration with Mr. Drew for ROCKCITY-BONGO?"

He says he is a man of integrity who deeply cares about his region. With sincere regret, he asked, “You promised @Rockcity a video and a collaboration with the A-list artist, Mr. Drew. What happened?”

He further questioned, “What happened to the collaboration that the scheme pledged to Chrisberry and Kelvynboy?”

Ahmed realized that deserving artists wouldn’t win awards if they didn’t receive enough votes, leaving him to wonder if fairness prevailed for these talented individuals. This led him to take a step back, recognizing the misalignment between his intentions and the scheme’s agenda.

Recalling the financial and physical sacrifices he had made, reaching out to artists personally to ensure the scheme’s success, he once believed it could propel their artists beyond the region. However, time proved him wrong.

Five years have passed, and he urged everyone to consider the changes and successes achieved, questioning whether a clear future for their artists was visible. Ahmed stressed that while the Upper East Awards was a promising concept, its original purpose of fostering language diversity through music and artistic influences to promote regional artists was not being fulfilled. Instead, it seemed to have transformed into a commercial venture.

He encouraged this year’s nominees to test the scheme’s effectiveness by abstaining from voting, believing that sponsors could cover organizers’ expenses.

Many artists and artist managers still contacted him about scheme-related issues. He expressed his absence from the launch event and called on well-wishers and stakeholders in the region to reevaluate the scheme and ensure it served its intended purpose.

He commended the organizers for their event management and expressed gratitude to the headline sponsor for their significant contributions to the Upper East region. In conclusion, Ahmed Ara Ambitious stressed that he held no ill feelings, as his sole desire was the betterment of their region. His message was directed to all media houses, media personalities, bloggers, and stakeholders.

Below Are The Screenshots Of His Post On Facebook:

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