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Home Entertainment Chef Faila Aims for 240-Hour Cook-a-Thon to Break Guinness World Record

Chef Faila Aims for 240-Hour Cook-a-Thon to Break Guinness World Record

Chef Faila Aims for 240-Hour Cook-a-Thon to Break Guinness World Record

Chef Faila has decided to extend the cook-a-thon duration to seven days in an attempt to break the Guinness World Records (GWR) for the longest individual cooking hours. The initial plan was five days, from January 01 to January 05, totaling 120 hours, but the team realized the need to go beyond 144 hours to make a significant mark. Now aiming for an impressive 240 hours, Mr. Damba Naa, Manager of Failatu Abdul-Razak, explained, “The idea is no longer five days. We are doing six to seven days.”

Chef Faila Aims for 240-Hour Cook-a-Thon to Break Guinness World Record

He stated that the team had to come up with such a decision to enable the Chef to make a mark because an Ugandan lady had already cooked for 144 hours in the quest to break the existing record.

He said; “For us to be able to break the record and set any, we have to go beyond the 144 hours.”

This decision was influenced by Ugandan lady Chef Dorcus Mirembe, also known as Mama D, who successfully cooked for 144 hours in an official attempt to break the existing record held by Alan Fisher. Mama D’s record is still pending confirmation from GWR officials.



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