Many people were surprised when Wedaga, the Upper East representative, was adjudged the 3rd runner up (4th) at the grand finale, which took place at the National Theatre in Accra.

Benedicta Akua Sarfoa Asamoah, better known by her stage as Sarfoa, of the Ashanti Region was named the winner of the 2021 Ghana’s Most Beautiful pageant.

Setor of the Volta Region, Manu of the Western Region, Mfodwo of the Bono Region, Akosua of the Oti Region, and Wedaga of the Upper East Region were among the competitors.

Some Ghanaians objected with the decision, claiming that although Sarfoa obtaining the most desired crown and car, her votes in the final phases of the tournament did not match those of Setor and Wedaga’s as seen below:Wedaga

Wedaga’s team has now spoken out on the subject, issuing the following statement: 

“God is too perfect to make mistakes” On behalf of Team Wedaga and on my own behalf, i wish to first of all thank God almighty for making his goodness and mercy follow each and everyone of us especially Queen Wedaga  and her team from the day she participated in the GMB audition till the grand finale (Psalm 23:6).

Kindly permit me break the silence on the position of Queen Wedaga and her team following the judgement passed on the day of the 2021 grand finale of Ghana’s Most Beautiful. Many well meaning Ghanaians have called Wedaga and her team members strongly advocating for the team to organize a press conference to vehemently disagree with the judgement, find out the criteria used in declaring the 2021 GMB winner on 3rd October as well as  what informs the composition of the judges who are mostly from a certain part of the country who sometimes are part of the performing team of other contestants when the said contestants appear on stage and even sometimes openly give such contestants a standing ovation, which has the potentials of one introducing the element of prejudice in one’s judgment.

Some even wonder why some judges would even go to an extent of taking pictures of some contestants when they are on stage when those judges know very well that, every contestant’s performance could be given to the judges upon a formal request to the appropriate authority at TV3.

Others even argue that, the idea of Ghana’s Most Beautiful is laudable but the current happenings of it being a reserve for the rich and what many generally perceive as unfair judgement after exploiting the general public and denying some contestants their rightful votes when people text in favour of those contestants just as it happened to Wedaga on Sunday, 5th September, 2021.

I personally had to report the case to Mr. Francis Doku,the General Manager of TV3 with further and better particulars that night and as if that was not  enough, the system could not allow Wedaga’s votes to go through that night which still beats my imagination.

Wedaga’s father and i finally had to give a formal report to the general manager on 6th September, 2021 in his office and he then had to invite one Mr. Fred who was introduced to us as the producer and i tended in evidence of our claim that, most of Wedaga’s votes could not be accounted for on 5th September,2021 which was reported to the General Manager and yet she was called out to be evicted which was embarrassing to her and her teaming supporters.

Following a number of calls i made to Mr. Fred on 7th and 8th, he finally admitted that, out of the seven tickets i forwarded to him, only one ticket was recognised and the votes recorded by their system whilst the other six tickets which contained 8,000 votes could not be recorded for Wedaga meanwhile, her position that night was 9th with 21,370 votes and immediately it was said that Wedaga was saved, her votes appreciated to 24,090  within a period of 5 minutes when that night’s show had come to an end.

The analysis i made before tendering the tickets was based on the votes from the Texting Committee i had set for Wedaga which i had control over. Question is, how could one tell how many public votes were not recorded for Queen Wedaga?

If for no fault of a constestant her votes are not recorded at TV3 meanwhile, the money use in texting for the contestant is deducted and the said contestant is evicted,who is to blame?

Mr. Fred however, admitted through a WhatsApp message he forwarded to me that, 8,000 votes of Wedaga could not be recorded for her on the 5th and credited those votes to her on the week starting Sunday 12th September, 2021.Per the social media comments, the just ended GMB competition has not only raised credibility and integrity issues on the part of the station and the decision makers but, it has the potentials of breaking the national cohesion of the country due to what many perceive as broad day discrimination against some other people after taking their monies, energy and other resources.

Why were the judges score not indicated on their app ?

Many also see the whole program admitted at the Intensive Care Unit at the point of dying since some regions if not all have lost interest in watching anything from TV3 and the said program and might not welcome the organizers of Ghana’s Most Beautiful to their regional soil let alone allow their  daughters of substance and true beauty participate in a competition that they think is more interested in extorting the people rather than rewarding true star performers who would be worthy ambassadors of our country Ghana worldwide. There has been a lot of question marks left unanswered after the competition in their opinion.

Wedaga and her team first had to seek for God’s direction and the wise counsel of eminent and level  headed individuals to enable us come out with this position of ours.

“God is too perfect to make mistakes”

The Team is strongly convinced that, God permitted it to go the way it went to show His might and to reveal His glory just as in the case of Joseph in the Bible who met his destiny helper in the prison and finally became the Prime Minister of Egypt.

More Than Conquerors

What, then, shall we say in response to these things?(A) If God is for us,(B) who can be against us?(C) (Romans 8:31)

Queen Wedaga, her team members and all her supporters draw their strength from the word of God which makes us grow from strength to strength.

“Romans 8: 28”: For we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those (A)who are called according to His purpose .

Queen Wedaga and her team knowing what God has for them have every course to  rejoice.

“1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18”: Rejoice always,(A) 17 pray continually,(B) 18 give thanks in all circumstances;(C) for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Human choice is different from God’s choice

“Acts 1:26” :Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles.(A)

The apostles had to cast lots to select Mathias whose evangelical works are never mentioned in the scriptures, perhaps, because it was the permissible will of God when the apostles wanted it so. But when the fullness of time came,  apostle Paul chosen by the perfect will of  God, came into the scene and God used him mightly for His glory instead of Mathias whose selection was based on casting of lots by human beings.

“2 Timothy 1”Paul, an apostle(A) of Christ Jesus by the will of God,(B) in keeping with the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus,(C)

Following the stories of Mathias and Paul, human beings could go for the former whilst God approves of the latter.

For Team Wedaga and the world, Wedaga remains the public most beautiful per her exceptional performance and her ability to extensively showcase the culture of our region, its potentials for development and tourist sites.

Team Wedaga and her teaming supporters remain resolute to assist her realize her project dream.

We plead with team members to talk to the issues and not engage in insults or abusive language in any form on  any social media for an eye for an eye gives birth to a blind society.

As Catholic Christians, the month of October is the period during which we pray the holy Rosary which has its roots founded in Luke 1: 28 where  angel Gabriel declared Mary as blessed amongst woman and blessed is the fruit of her womb Jesus , Wedaga and her Team recognise 3rd October, the third day of this holy month as a blessed day in their lives irrespective of  the outcome of her participation in the 2021 Ghana’s Most Beautiful beauty reality show grand finale at National Theatre, Accra.

“Luke 2:19”: Just as Mary kept all the things and pondered them in her heart,

Queen Wedaga and her Team are doing same whilst allowing the perfect will of God to be done in their lives and entreat the discerning and God – fearing public to keep praying for them and the world which is faced with integrity and credibility crisis with morality thrown to the dogs despite one’s religious inclination since posterity itself is a perfect judge that brings expiring date to injustice.

Wedaga and her Team members wish to reiterate that, God is too perfect to make mistakes, hence, we are stronger than ever for when God gives one the load, the same God will equally provide one with the neck to carry that load.

We strongly stand on the word of God according to

“Revelation 3:8”
I know your deeds.See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.

Wedaga and her Team are highly indebted to all her supporters and would forever cherish everyone of you as we continue together to support Wedaga and her team in prayer and any way possible for the implementation of her GMB project.

Thank you for your attention.

Written by Mr. Martin Amalitinga Akansuke

National Coordinator for Team Wedaga

Team Members

Her manager: Rainer Ayelazoya (Versatile model agency)

Gladys Atulana Ayongo (Treasurer)

Matthew Asakiwine – (Texting committee head)

John Atodio -(Publicity committee head)

Dominic Apungo – (Fundraising committee head)

Seth Akantey Agamu -(Finance coordinator)

Accra Team/Organization -(Esther Walenkaki &
Patrick Walenkaki)


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