Panka Artstudio Calls On Investors To invest In The Creative Industry To Help Curb Unemployment in Ghana (MAGE’21)

Panka Abubakar Sediq, CEO of Panka ArtStudio, Celebrity Shot and Co Host Of Showbiz Hour Launched an art exhibition titled “My Art Gallery Exhibition” (MAGE 2021) yesterday at Blue Sky Hotel in Bolgatanga.

Panka Calls On Investors To invest In The Creative Industry To Help Curb Unemployment in Ghana (MAGE21’)

The program was very successful:

Below Is The Full Speech Of  Panka At The Launch.

The chair, stakeholders, media personnel’s, all invited guests gathered here,family and friends, well wishers. Goodevening to you all.

I welcome you all to the first and ever edition of the my art gallery exhibition.

On behalf of Panka Art Studio once again welcome. You here today for the maiden edition of this art exhibition dubbed MAGE’21.

We are delighted to have you with us to participate and share in the experience of this special occasion.

I’d like to express my profound gratitude to the Almighty for His guidance and Protection.

I’d also like to extend a massive appreciation to the sponsors,media Partners,family,friends and especially to my hard working team and management for making this event possible.

I’m extremely excited with the event as it has been a dream of mine for a long time and to see it manifest into reality is still unbelievable.

I’d also like to make this statement that

MAGE doesn’t represent Panka Artstudio only but for every artistic person in Ghana.

It is my wish to see colleague artists have their art pieces displayed next year and subsequent years on this special platform.

My hard working team and management doors are open for any artist who might want to use this platform to exhibit his or her works.

Under the year review, we would be appreciating and recognizing personalities in the upper East region who in one way or the other have influnced or are influencing the creative arts industry in the upper east region and Ghana at large, for this maiden edition.

On this note some of these personalities have been featured in the gallery known as MAGE influential icons and also MAGE special recognition.

I’d like to seize this opportunity to call upon the public institutions, stakeholders, investors, NGOs and individuals to invest in the creative arts industry just like other industries. The creative arts industry is one of the leading industries that keeps a majority of the youths employed. If the above institutions and organisation would help curb the level of unemployment in the region a bit if more investment is made towards encouraging the youth to take up interest in the creative art sector.

I’d like us at this moment observe a minute silence for certain personells who have influenced the art and music industry in the upper east region, who are no more, Prince Pumi and Ogee.   May their soul rest in perfect peace.

Good evening once again, enjoy the program and thank you for your attention.

Panka Artstudio Calls On Investors To invest In The Creative Industry To Help Curb Unemployment in Ghana (MAGE’21)


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