Samini campaigns For GIMPA SRC President (WATCH)

Samini has added student politics to his long list of accomplishments.

In a new video, the Ghanaian dancehall star announces his candidacy for GIMPA SRC president. Samini, who has already begun campaigning for votes, says he has already chosen forms to run for the position.

I Emmanuel Andrew Samini popular known as Samini picked up forms to stand for GIMPA SRC Presidency,” he said in a video recorded on campus.

If all things go well and I am approved, I will be going for the elections coming few days time,” he continued. Campaigning for votes, he added that “and I urge all of you to come in your numbers to vote for me so we bring a massive change“.

Samini first announced that she would be returning to school on June 1st, 2022. The “My Own” singer implored his fans not to give up on education in a lengthy Instagram post.

“This post is to #inspire whoever wants to go back to #school that it’s #NEVER too late to start from wherever you left off,” he captioned. In the post, Samini was leading a presentation in class.


“We had a presentation yesterday and I had to flex right. It went well in the end chale. Shada no fit limit me but it’s important I keep the dress code lol. Went to school in regular clothes but Had to let @dodoo.igp bring me corporate look from home to take face dem. Thanks to my entire team and congratulations to y’all. We made it as one of the best companies in our simulation presentation.”


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