GES Releases Promotion Test Results to Various Grades

In a momentous announcement that brings both excitement and relief to the teaching community, the Ghana Education Service (GES) has officially released the results of the promotion test held in February 2023. This eagerly anticipated event marks a significant milestone for educators across the nation, as they await the opportunity to ascend to higher teaching grades within the service. With a staggering number of candidates participating in the test, the GES has successfully identified and recognized the dedication and proficiency of a significant portion of its teaching staff.

The Numbers Speak: A Glance at the Statistics
Amidst the anticipation leading up to the release, a total of 80,810 candidates took the promotion test, representing a diverse cross-section of educators from various corners of the education system. The outcome was nothing short of remarkable, as 55,917 candidates, constituting an impressive 69%, emerged triumphant and secured their passage to the next teaching grade.

Grades in Focus:
The promotion test covered a range of teaching grades, each holding its own significance in the educational hierarchy. The candidates vying for promotions in the following grades were tested for their mettle and expertise:

1. Deputy Director
2. Assistant Director I
3. Assistant Director II
4. Principal Superintendent

Delving Deeper: Performance Across Grades
For the esteemed Deputy Director grade, a total of 8,565 candidates undertook the challenge. The results revealed that 4,655 candidates, a commendable 54%, managed to secure success and will advance to this coveted position.

The Assistant Director I grade witnessed the participation of 25,556 hopeful candidates. Demonstrating their competence and determination, a remarkable 21,749 candidates, equivalent to 85%, emerged victorious and earned their promotion to this influential grade.

In the case of the Assistant Director II grade, an impressive 40,020 candidates took the promotion test. Among them, 24,581 candidates displayed their caliber and secured a pass rate of 61%, marking a significant step forward in their careers.

The Principal Superintendent grade, known for its responsibilities and leadership roles, attracted 6,668 candidates to the test. A notable 74% of these candidates, totaling 4,932 individuals, exhibited their prowess and have now set their sights on this elevated position.

The Path Forward: Notification and Anticipated Letters
With the announcement of the successful candidates, a message will be sent to each individual who took the exam, indicating their results and whether they have achieved success in their quest for promotion. This personalized communication acknowledges the dedication and effort that candidates invested in their pursuit of advancement.

While the promotion site will not be accessible this year, candidates can eagerly await the formal release of promotion letters. These letters will herald the successful candidates’ entry into a new chapter of their educational journey and outline the responsibilities and privileges associated with their new positions

GES Releases Promotion Test Results to Various Grades

Please note :

The promotion site will NOT be accessible this time.

Text messages(SMS) will be sent to you all. Whether successful or unsuccessful. Just be in readiness for a message alert.

The release of promotion test results by the Ghana Education Service is not merely an event; it is a celebration of hard work, perseverance, and a commitment to the noble cause of education. The numbers reflect the dedication and passion of Ghana’s teaching community, underscoring the critical role they play in shaping the future of the nation. As formal promotion letters are set to be released in due course, the successful candidates can look forward to embarking on a rewarding journey filled with new challenges and opportunities.


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