Mr Beautiful Reveals Challenges Faced After Endorsing NDC

Clement Bonney, popularly known as Mr Beautiful in the movie industry, recently shed light on the difficulties he encountered after endorsing former President John Mahama and the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Mr Beautiful Reveals Challenges Faced After Endorsing NDC

During an interview with Amansan Krakye, the NDC member shared an incident where he was denied food at a restaurant solely because of his strong affiliation with the party. “I once tried to buy food at a certain restaurant, but they outrightly refused to serve me, citing my unwavering support for NDC and John Mahama as the reason,” Mr Beautiful expressed.

In addition to the restaurant incident, he also revealed facing challenges in his professional life. “I remember attempting to pay for a TV advert at a certain TV station, only to be turned down because of my well-known association with the NDC,” he continued.

These experiences have been part of Mr Beautiful’s journey, and he acknowledged the adversities he faced. “I have endured a lot, and if I decide to pen down my experiences in a book, Ghanaians will gain insight into my story. Despite the hardships, I am grateful that my efforts have paved the way for others to benefit today,” he concluded.

Mr Beautiful’s candid revelation highlights the complexities and potential repercussions of political affiliations in various aspects of life.


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